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名师论道 | 一千年以后,回眸2020

为了揭开人类近代史的烦恼,并找出21世纪前二十年中举足轻重的事件,我们不妨穿越到一千年以后的3020年,去到一位历史学家的客厅里,向他/她请教一千年前世界发生过什么 – 缪斯女神Clio对此也不会感到惊讶吧(注:Clio是希腊神话中九位缪斯女神之一,司掌历史)- 我相信我们的历史学家无疑会强调以下两个事件对我们身处的世界的影响。

In The Year Of The Rat, A Tale Of Two Oxen

Chinese legend has it that the emperor chose twelve animals to represent each year of…

IE University launches IE China Center to boost economic and business research in China

Center publishes its first report, a comparison of entrepreneurial profiles in China and Europe. IE…

South Summit 2019 IE China Center

  On the 2nd of October at the South Summit 2019 IE China Center published…

China Club Spain awards IE University its Educational Cooperation Award

China Club Spain has awarded IE University the Chinese-Spanish Educational Cooperation Award. The institution will…

People and Technology: A New Era for Education

One of the key drivers of IE University is the reinvention of higher education in…

IE Business School’s International MBA, 6th in the world in the Forbes MBA 2019 ranking

IE Business School’s International MBA is the 6th in the world in the biannual ranking…

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