Established in 1997, IE Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enhance IE’s impact on society through initiatives powered by its own resources or through collaboration agreements with other partners.
The Foundation’s main goals are to generate projects and resources designed to further improve the quality of education, to create and manage applied research initiatives, to implement and fund scholarship programs, to nurture a culture of giving back, and to bring added impetus to IE’s strategic values.


In the context of China, IE Foundation supports specific scholarships; projects run by IE’s Center for Diversity; the Global IE Initiative for Women Empowerment; IE School of Global and Public Affairs has entered into an agreement with the China Scholarship Council to select up to 20 Chinese students to participate in either IE’s Master in International Relations or Master in International Development program.

Yangjia Huang – Scouting & Venturing Officer in Innovation Center Asia, Volkswagen Group. Master in Management & Business Analytics and Big Data.

“At IE, I learned not to over-question a possibility and instead to support and connect. Regardless of where you come from, your dream will eventually grow here. The uniqueness of IE is that the school invests in and adequately stimulate one’s potential. During or after studying at IE, the IE Talent Scholarship has always been a reminder for me to go for my ultimate pursuit.”

Lixuan Guan– Project Manager at JM Ventures.
Master in Management & Master in Market Research and Consumer Behavior

“At IE, I was educated to appreciate diversity. The school provides an engine that blends a wide range of knowledge, experience and possibilities able to turn challenges into opportunities. An IE scholarship shown me the uniqueness of myself and of how we observe and understand.”

Sirui Huang – Master in Management 2016-2017

“During year of MIM experience at IE I not only fast-tracked the absorption of business knowledge but also shaped clearer goals and vision for career development. The people I met here were versatile, open-minded, entrepreneurial and most of all, diversified. After this experience, I became confident about working in fast-changing corporate environments with all kinds of co-workers. I benefited from the IE Foundation Scholarship financially, as well as intangibly by joining the IE community engagement pipeline as part of the scholarship program. This helped me with accessing a professional network and friends through some very exciting projects.”

Hui Wang – International MBA 2018-2019

“IE awarded me the IE Women Leadership Award, reflecting IE’s recognition that women drive change in the business environment. This has motivated me to choose IE as an ideal business school to study an MBA program. IE’s IMBA program provides a diverse environment, with students from more than 60 countries, forcing us to embrace multicultural differences in only 10 months. This experience is unique and magnificent, and will never happen again. My favorite part of this program is the academic level of the teaching staff and the relationship between the students: I am sure for students who don’t have overseas study experience, IE is the best choice.


None of the actions performed by the IE Foundation would be possible without the help of IE students, alumni and corporate and institutional partners.

Giving to the Foundation is not only about providing financial support for outstanding talents but also about making a commitment to ensure that the education of future leaders and the sharing of knowledge have a meaningful impact.
If you are interested in collaborating with IE Foundation, please contact us at:
IE Foundation
6 Maria De Molina St.
28006 Madrid
Tel: +34 917875153
Email: Fundacion.IE@ie.edu

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